Exclusive alternative data

How much would a new and very predictive dataset be worth to you?
(I am interested in an open discussion but you might also notice what I am implying)


  • kc975943kc975943 Posts: 55

    Depends on the quality of predictive value assessment primarily. What kind tools were used to make that claim? Is "predictive value"'s origin rooted in some meaningful econometric relationship?

  • ar159496ar159496 Posts: 2

    @kc975943 said:
    Depends on the quality of predictive value assessment primarily. What kind tools were used to make that claim? Is "predictive value"'s origin rooted in some meaningful econometric relationship?

    The data was discovered to prove an economic thesis. 15 months of live trading yielded a 25% return (market-neutral).

  • ptunneyptunney Posts: 246


    I suggest you visit catalog.cloudquant.com and hit the chat button to begin a conversation with our data sales team.

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