Historical Mid prices?

sz697888sz697888 Posts: 17

Hi guys,

I'm implementing some kind of stat arb strategy on CQ. In additional to last prices, I want to keep track of the mid prices of equities as well. I have looked at bar.minute. Apparently there is only vwap and last price available. Is there any way to get the mid price from somewhere? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!



  • shayneshayne Posts: 70

    Simon ,

    The minute bar doesn't track the average mid-point. How (ask-bid/2) and when (on every trade and/or nbbo price change) would it be calculated?

  • sz697888sz697888 Posts: 17


    I'm trying to retrieve historical mid points for stock A and B at the start of everyday. As we have a new instance of strategy class at the start of everyday, I have to be able to retrieve the historical mid prices in order to do some calculations and keep the historical prices in to a data container. During the day, I can use "nbbo update" to keep track of the mid price and update the data container.

    @shayne said:
    Simon ,

    The minute bar doesn't track the average mid-point. How (ask-bid/2) and when (on every trade and/or nbbo price change) would it be calculated?

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