date variable?

Scott_BlackwellScott_Blackwell Posts: 2
edited March 2017 in FAQs

is there a day variable for today's trading day......2016-08-03

or for whatever day you run a backtest?



  • Alex_KollarosAlex_Kollaros Posts: 7
    edited August 2016

    print 'Test date:\t%s' % service.time_to_string(service.system_time, '%Y-%m-%d')

  • mgmg Posts: 13
    edited June 2017

    service.system_time provides the timestamp from unix epoch, using that you can calculate the test date. has more information on the built in function that will convert the timestamp to your requested format. Also,

    todays_date = service.time_to_string(service.system_time, '%Y-%m-%d')

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