Where can I find the list of all symbols for historical data and their summary data?

If I want to run a strategy that uses 100 of the most liquid ETF's or 200 for which the data is available for the last 5 years, it would be nice to have a table from where I can get it immediately. Otherwise, If I have to run a program with an individual symbol to see it's starting date and, say, trading volume, it would have been an enormous waste of resources and time to answer those particular questions.


  • shayneshayne Posts: 70

    Try this code for the top 10 ETFs:

    from cloudquant.interfaces import Strategy
    class TopSymbols(Strategy):
        def on_strategy_start(cls, md, service, account):
            etf_list = service.symbol_list.get_handle('82e8721e-d9fe-4ac4-b597-5197a4309a60') #etf guid list
            symbol_avol = {}
            # iterate over the market data
            for md_info in md:
                symbol = md_info.symbol
                is_etf = service.symbol_list.in_list(etf_list, symbol)
                if is_etf:
                    # add the symbol to the symbol list after it met the if condition
                    symbol_avol[symbol] = md_info.stat.avol
            print "ETF's with volume\n", symbol_avol, '\n'
            cls.top_qualified_qualified_symbols = [symbol[0] for symbol in sorted(symbol_avol.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[1], reverse=True)][:10]
            print "TOP ETF's by volume\n", cls.top_qualified_qualified_symbols, '\n'
        def is_symbol_qualified(cls, symbol, md, service, account):
            # qualifies all symbols in cls.top_qualified_qualified_symbols
            return symbol in cls.stop_qualified_qualified_symbols
        def on_start(self, md, order, service, account):
            print 'in on_start for ', self.symbol, md.stat.avol

    This should find the top etf for the test date. FYI, it depends on the ETF symbol list.

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