Sentiment Data from Alexandria, Bloomberg, StockTwits!
Sentiment is a score or ranking of how a group of investors or investment professionals "feel" about news and investments. The sentiment comes from multiple sources: Twitter, Blogs, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc. Some sentiment is from market professionals or their Artificial Intelligence equivalents that monitor news stories, public filings, speeches, or other public sources.
The sentiment is quantified on a range from pessimistic to optimistic about the company or the specific news.
Sentiment Data is often referred to as Emerging Data, Alternative Data or AltData.
CloudQuant Elite has Sentiment data for:
- StockTwits
- Alexandria Technologies
- Bloomberg
Data is not directly accessible. The only way to access the data is through a backtest script.
Sample Scripts and Documentation
Sample scripts for accessing these data sources are available in public scripts.
StockTwits is a social media website where members comment on financial investments.
They have discovered that their users sentiment * prior * to Earnings is consistent with the publicly available sentiment at the time of the Earnings announcements (that divergence/convergence of opinion is associated with higher/lower earnings announcement returns).
Alexandria Technologies
Alexandria applies big data solutions to the needs of the institutional investors, employing pioneering research and development. ACTA is built to handle massive amounts of unstructured content and accurately identify the hidden sentiment, critical facts, and key relationships buried within. ACTA employs a non-linear, pattern-matching methodology that avoids the accuracy and flexibility problems inherent in standard word- and rule-based approaches to text analytics.
**Classification: **ACTA sorts through mountains of content to find the global companies, economies, commodities, currencies, and broad debt categories investors care about.
**Sentiment: ** ACTA helps with the heart of investment decision-making – by identifying good or bad news. Sentiment is predictive on price and orthogonal to traditional factors.
**Accuracy: ** Breakthrough algorithms understand the meaning behind news, not just the facts. ACTA’s classifies sentiment with high accuracy in English and Japanese.
Bloomberg News Sentiment
CQ Elite only
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