In backtesting there are two ways to access close prices, md.stat.prev_close and through the bars.
See the following code for an example...
from cloudquant.interfaces import Strategy
class Test_PreviousClose(Strategy):
def is_symbol_qualified(cls, symbol, md, service, account):
if symbol=="SPY":
print symbol,round(md.stat.prev_close,2)
print "The bars variable is a list of lists and contains 16 lists",len(bars)
print "The close prices are one of those lists and it has 10 entries",len(bars.close)
for i in range(1,(len(bars.close))):
print -i,service.time_to_string(bars.timestamp[-i],'%Y-%m-%d'),round(bars.close[-i],2)
return False
At the moment the values they return can differ if a symbol has split or had a dividend.
Try the following code on 2018-03-20 to see three symbols that have split and how the previous close price from stat differs from the adjusted previous close price in the bars...
from cloudquant.interfaces import Strategy
class Test_Previous_Close2(Strategy):
def is_symbol_qualified(cls, symbol, md, service, account):
if md.stat.split_ratio!=1.0:
print md.stat.split_ratio
print symbol,round(md.stat.prev_close,2)
print "The bars variable is a list of lists and contains 16 lists",len(bars)
print "The close prices are one of those lists and it has 10 entries",len(bars.close)
for i in range(1,(len(bars.close))):
print -i,service.time_to_string(bars.timestamp[-i],'%Y-%m-%d'),round(bars.close[-i],2)
return False
In live-trading or forward-testing there are two variables available md.stat.prev_close (which is adjusted) and md.stat.unadjusted_prev_close.
In backtesting there are two ways to access close prices, md.stat.prev_close and through the bars.
See the following code for an example...
At the moment the values they return can differ if a symbol has split or had a dividend.
Try the following code on 2018-03-20 to see three symbols that have split and how the previous close price from stat differs from the adjusted previous close price in the bars...
In live-trading or forward-testing there are two variables available md.stat.prev_close (which is adjusted) and md.stat.unadjusted_prev_close.
Hope this helps!